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Political Parties

Official launch of election campaign set for mid-September

Party gadgets and promotion materialThe election campaign will not officially start until mid-September, political parties agreed on Thursday at an extraordinary meeting in Parliament convened to discuss the extent and duration of the election campaign. As in previous years, participants in the elections will follow certain basic rules.

There will be limited audiovisual advertising. Parties will refrain from advertising in cinemas. Radio on television stations will only air official election broadcasts. So far, there has been no agreement on whether there should be a budgetary cap on print and Internet advertising and parties will return to this question on Tuesday.

Freebies handed out to voters will be limited to pens and one other gadget.  In the past, such gadgets ranged from key rings and colorful gummy bears to condoms.

Billboards with election posters will go up from mid-September. No agreement was reached on the size and number of posters. While there should be few large billboards, smaller displays are likely appear wherever parties find them useful.

Political parties will return to the negotiating table on Tuesday, when they are expected to formalise these agreements.

(Source: tageblatt.lu, wort.lu, lessentiel.lu)


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Election day20/10/2013
The big day is here.